ASCII-GAMES - Play and Review
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netris review by vosi 23-Nov-03

              _        _                                
   _ __   ___| |_ _ __(_)___                            
  | '_ \ / _ \ __| '__| / __|                           
  | | | |  __/ |_| |  | \__ \                           
  |_| |_|\___|\__|_|  |_|___/                           
 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 

Netris is a free, networked variant of Tetris originally written by Mark H.
Weaver for GNU/Linux but available for a couple of unices/unix like systems.
The latest version is 0.52 released in 1999 under the GNU Gnereal ublic

One-player mode is a boring because it never gets any faster, and there's no
scoring (you could play against a bot). But two-player-mode is great fun. 

You play with a semi-vi keyboard layout.

If you fill two or three lines with one piece, your opponent gets respectively 
one or two unfilled lines at the bottom of his screen. If you fill four lines 
with one piece, your opponent will get four unfilled lines. 

Mark thought about starting a netris server, but as far as i know it hasnt
been written. Thats not a problem since integrated it into
com for its members.

Here are some screenshots:

0å `Netris 0.52 (C) 1994-1996,1999 Mark H. Weaver "netris -h" for more info Playing smj@vinland +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | | | [] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [][]| | | | [] [][][]| | | Seed: 1069622055 |[][] [] [][][]| | | Speed: 300ms | [][][] [][][][]| | | | [][][] [][][][]| | | |[] [][][][][][][][]| | [] | |[][][][][] [][][][]| |[] [] [][][] | |[][][][][] [][][][]| |[] [] [][][] | |[][][][][] [][][][]| |[][][][][][][][][] | Game paused by you |[][][][][][] [][][]| |[][][][][][][][] []| |[][][][][][][][][] | | [][][][][][][][][]| 09:15 PM +====----------------+ +--------==----------+
0å `Netris 0.52 (C) 1994-1996,1999 Mark H. Weaver "netris -h" for more info Playing smj@vinland +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | | | | | [][] | | | | [][] | | | | | | | |[] [][] | | [] | |[][] [][][][] | | [][]| |[][][][][][][][] | | []| |[][] [][][][][] | | | |[][][][][][][][][] | | | |[][][][][][][][][] | | [][] [] | |[][] [][][][][][] | | [][][][][][] | Seed: 1069622055 |[][][][][][][][][] | | [][][][][][][][]| Speed: 300ms |[][][] [][][][][] | | [][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][] [][][][]| | [][][][][][][][][]| |[][][] [][][][][][]| | [][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][] [][][][]| |[][][][][][][][] []| |[][][][][][] [][][]| | [][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][][][][][] | |[][][][][][][][][] | |[][][] [][][][][][]| |[][][] [][][][][][]| |[][][][] [][][][][]| |[][][][][][][][] []| 09:16 PM +--------====--------+ +----------------====+